BMX riders have been left fuming at damage to a competition-standard track in Yeadon by vandals and off-road drivers.

Members of Leeds BMX club were saddened to discover that a state-of-the-art electronic starter gate at the Tarnfield Park BMX track has been hauled apart and strewn around the area.

Large metal sections of the gate were left scattered around the track, and some parts had been dragged towards the Tarn.

Other parts of the gate were missing, and the club believes the vandals have thrown vital components into the water.

Members are clueless as to who would want to damage the course, and why.

Chairman of the club, national BMX champion Jeremy Hayes, said: "The membership secretary and the club secretary, who went up there, were really angry.

"There were fuming. I'm more laid-back about it, but I think it's a real shame."

He said the BMX track had just gained official recognition as a centre for BMX coaching.

But the course has suffered damage on a number of occasions, said Mr Hayes, from youths on motorbikes and even middle-aged men driving four wheel drive cars.

He said: "They can only get part of the way around the course.

"It's usually the 15-year-old kids who shout at them to get off. Motorbikes can also do a lot of damage."

Mr Hayes said until the attack by vandals last Wednes-day, everything had been running smoothly at the course.

He believes it will costs hundreds of pounds to repair the damage.

Young riders may be left without a chance to practice their racing skills until the gate is repaired.

Weetwood Police asked for any visitors to the park, who may have seen the vandals at work, to get on touch.

The club held its first big race recently, attracting some top names from the BMX world.

It is hoping to put up fences around the course to prevent cars and motorbikes getting onto the BMX track, and also as a safety measure to stop young children accidentally wandering in front of racing cyclists.

The track was built and surfaced by Leeds Leisure Services last year, working with a number of community groups, including Leeds BMX Club - which gained National Lottery grant of almost £5,000 last year to improve the course.

It hopes to stage nationally-recognised coaching events and races, and is planning a regional level race in July.

The club's regular Thursday evening sessions see up to 40 children and teenagers gather to practice at the track.

Mr Hayes said members have recently been busy trying getting to grips with the starter gate, complete with its 'traffic lights' and automated voice giving orders to race competitors.

He said mastering a fast start is the key to winning a BMX race.

The club is also hoping to make visual improvements to the site.

A spokesman for Weetwood Police appealed for any dog walkers or other visitors to the park to report any incidents or vandalism they may see by calling them immediately (0113) 2413459.