ALMOST 60 people turned out to take the Easter Cross down from Otley Chevin.

The 32 foot high cross, which goes up on Otley Chevin two weeks before Easter Sunday and is usually taken down two weeks after the holiday, spent a few days longer than usual on the Chevin.

Although many people turned out on Saturday last week for the traditional taking down of the cross, a shortage of volunteers, coupled with high winds, meant it was delayed until Wednesday.

It was the first delay of this kind in its long history.

Ron Sweeney, of Otley Churches Together, said an appeal was put out on the Saturday and on Wednesday they were relieved that more people had turned out.

Meanwhile, he added that he strongly believed the landmark cross had become a major part of the life of the town.

"It's been going up for 30 years now and is now built into the tradition of Otley," he said.

The cross has now been stored in Otley until it is needed again next year.