Ben Rhydding 2

Oxford Rover 1

As the Ben Rhydding Ladies' band wagon rolls on Oxford were left wondering exactly how Rhydding managed to sneak this result.

Oxford started the game at a fast pace and Rhydding were found wanting on numerous occasions but as the ball was continually kept out of the goal, due to a string of fine saves from Claire Britcliffe, and heroic saves off the line from both Ismay McDonald and Rachel Smith, there was just a glimmer that somebody was looking over the Rhydding ladies in this match.

Earlier in the week the Rhydding ladies had made a special trip to practice on a water-based pitch and this time proved essential as the team adapted to the very different game.

At half-time as the sprinklers glistened through the warm sunshine, Rhydding could count themselves lucky to be just one goal down but spirits were high and Oxford's dangerous forward line had been smothered so far due to another fine defensive performance.

The grit and determination shown by the back four became infectious and filtered through the team in the second-half.

With all to play for Rhydding searched hard for that competitive edge, which has put them in this exciting position.

Although Rhydding had fewer trips into the D they managed to convert at a better rate.

The first Rhydding goal came from a scramble in the Oxford D, which Lexi Pantelli finally converted.

With minutes left to go Rhydding not content with a draw that really should never of been in the offing, continued to push forward looking for that glimmer that had shone earlier in the game.

With two minutes left Camilla Dyson went on one of her familiar determined runs down the right wing. As the ball found Lexi Pantelli unmarked at the top of the D Rhydding could not have hoped for a more dramatic finale.

As the ball left Lexi's stick there was always only one place it was going - straight into the roof of the goal. At this point you could sense Oxford Rovers' disbelief, and as the final whistle blew both teams left the pitch in a state of shock.

You could not help but feel for Oxford as they left the pitch but this has left the play-offs wide open going into the final three games at Milton Keynes.

As far as expectations go Ben Rhydding dare not even imagine but one thing is for sure. Ben Rhydding have managed to find the self belief required to revel in the next few editions of this amazing Rhydding season.

Positions in the Inter League Tournament show Ben Rhydding are very much in contention to go up to the National League.

League positions

Birmingham University 6

Sevenoaks 3

Oxford Rover 3

Ben Rhydding 3

Portishead Firebrands 1

Epsom 1