SIR, - On April 11 (Residents' anger as new telephone mast appears) you reported on the anger felt by Manor Park residents by the sudden appearance of a 22-metre high Orange mobile phone aerial on the open hillside 300 metres south of the Little Chef.

You quoted Councillor Aubrey Brand, chairman of the Ilkley Planning Committee, as saying that 'it is not our duty to go around Manor Park and knock on everybody's door and say 'did you know?'. You quote her as continuing: "Notices will have gone up on the nearest telegraph poles."

I'm afraid not, Councillor Brand. The documents available at the Planning Office at Ilkley Town Hall show that although two notices did go up on telegraph poles, they were nowhere near Manor Park. They were both at the far end of Ben Rhydding Drive. To see these notices Manor Park residents would have had to travel for almost two miles along the A65 to Wheatley Lane, up Wheatley Lane to the junction with Ben Rhydding Drive, and on to the far end of that road.

Councillor Brand is quoted as also saying that 'notification of the plans will have also appeared in the Gazette last year, and I would have thought somebody would have spotted them and spread the word'. The documents in Ilkley Town Hall show that there is a very good reason why the plans weren't spotted by Manor Park residents, and why nobody 'spread the word'.

The plan that was advertised in the Gazette was for Burley Woodhead, some two miles to the south-east of Manor Park, and well out of sight. The actual aerial (now built) is only 600 yards to the south-west of Manor Park, and extremely visible.

Why this plan should have been advertised in such a way is mystery enough, but an even greater puzzle is why planning permission was eventually given for a 22-metre high mast in this location in the first place. Not only is the area green belt, but it is also officially classified as being part of a Special Landscape Area.

Regardless of this, the Planning people in Bradford gave the go ahead. The documents in Ilkley Town Hall make fascinating reading.

In recommending that this plan should be approved, an accompanying report from the planning officials states that 'given that the proposal is considered to be unobtrusive in this particular landscape by the council's landscape architect, the mast should not significantly harm the quality of the Special Landscape Area or the visual amenity of the green belt."

The landscape architect's report had stated that he had no objection to the mast's position given that 'the position of the mast is on a steep gentle undulating slope within a wooded aspect which lends itself to screening the mast adequately'.

The Planning Officers' recommendation to approve the aerial concluded that 'the scattered trees and woodlands of the area would all contrive to screen the mast adequately in the landscape' and that 'the mast would be lost against fields and trees in views from the A65'.

This latter view is obvious nonsense as anyone travelling along the A65 will quickly observe. The mast can be clearly seen from the A65, between the Ben Rhydding Sports Club buildings and Burley village itself.

A Manor Park Resident


(Name and address supplied)

Precept points

SIR, - I would like to try to respond sensibly to Councillor Heathcote Bowen's letter of April 18, in which he sets out to illustrate my complete lack of understanding of the parish council's reasons for raising a precept.

I do not think that I have misunderstood what I have read. In the councillor's second paragraph he says that the article in the Gazette of March 14, 2002 explains fully how the monies would be spent.

I did not see then, nor do I see now, how they, the parish councillors, plan to spend the monies raised. They are asking organisations to come forward and apply for grants for 'schemes'.

I note that Mr. Peter Cheney, who I am aware has much more political acumen and involvement that I have, refers in the same issue of the Gazette to the fact that there is an Act of Parliament which, it appears, states that a parish council can only raise a precept for a properly approved and costed objective.

Who will be proven right, me with my cynicism and prejudices, Peter Cheney with his political acumen, or the vice-chairman of the parish Council?

Councillor Heathcliffe Bowen is not the first correspondent to have made assumptions about me which were incorrect. I am not a political animal, although I strongly believe that voting should be compulsory. I think that I have over the years seen the wood more often than the trees. Accuse me of arrogance if you will. Lets re-assess the situation in 12 months' time when the money has been allocated and spent, and lets see how much more they want next year.

Victor M Bean

114 Skipton Road,


Support the show

SIR, - Eighteen months ago, Ilkley Flower Show was in danger of folding, but new members were found and the 2001 show was a tremendous success, with record entries and visitors.

Can I appeal again to the people of Ilkley and district to support the 2002 show to be held on Saturday, August 17 , in the Winter Gardens? We have several new classes, including extra ones for children.

Ben Rhydding Women's Institute, after a very successful first appearance last year, will be doing a show within a show with their theme this year being 'The Seaside'.

We also have a novice section and even your 'worst disaster' class

As well as the abundant trophies, we have numerous special prizes, all generously donated, and this year a new trophy is to be donated by the show's president, Ken Williams, in memory of his late wife.

The show is for everyone - the amateur, enthusiast and novice,for as well as the many flower classes, we also have a vegetable section, cookery, handicrafts, photography floral arrangements and and many children's classes as we are keen to encourage young people. After all, they are the gardeners of the future

On Saturday, May 25, we are holding our annual coffee morning at the Clarke Foley Centre, where again there will be the chance to buy plants, cakes and much more.

To everyone, thank you for your support; we look forward to seeing you again in August.


Judges' Secretary,

Ilkley Flower Show Society.

Tourism is for all

SIR, - I read with amusement Councillor Anne Hawkesworth letter in last week's Gazette that the only tourists we should cater for in Ilkley are the 'high spending section of visitors'.

Until last year I worked in local tourism and know that many people visit Ilkley for the day from the surrounding area to walk by the River Wharfe, on Ilkley Moor, or to enjoy a picnic in beautiful surroundings. Those of us who have the privilege of living in this lovely town must be willing to share its beauty with all visitors, whatever their 'spending power'.

Ann Mutton


39 Manley Road,

Ben Rhydding.

Reunion attempt

SIR, - I am trying to organise a school reunion for people who attended Ilkley Secondary School and are 50 this year. I am hoping to have it in September this year.

Anyone wishing to come should write to me at the address below.

S Johnson

22 Mayfield Avenue,


LS29 8LF.

Praise for buses

SIR, - On April 19, my wife and I left the car in the garage and took a bus ride up into the Dales.

To be precise, we took the service operated by Pride of the Dales from Ilkley Station to Grassington. The full fare is £4 return and you could not ask for better value.

The service was punctual, the drivers friendly and courteous - and it all made a very pleasant change from the car. If we don't use it.....


4 Warlbeck,

King's Road,


Taxing situation

SIR, - Perhaps if we were to ensure that we only elected councillors who live within the parish boundary we would be spared the hypocrisy of having to listen to the views of people who impose taxes on us without having to pay the same tax themselves.


34 Brewery Road,
