Children who take drugs in Bradford are to be quizzed to try to see how widespread the problem is in the district.

The University of Bradford's Professor of Nursing Research, Rob Newell, is to question under 18s in the city to find out their experiences and opinions of drug use.

Researchers will ask drug users their views on what they think the problems of drug abuse are. This will allow the team to assess the size and nature of drug use in the city.

Professor Newell said: "Substance misuse affects all children and teenagers, regardless of age, gender, culture, ethnic background, education, race or socio-economic status.

"While the use of illicit drugs by young people has been investigated both locally and nationally, studies have not adequately distinguished between non-problematic illicit use and problematic drug use."

He feels many drug schemes are targeted to those with major drug problems rather than people who use drugs for recreational purposes.

Those taking part in the research will be drawn from under 18s living in Bradford who are currently using drug advise, counselling and treatment services.

It is being carried out with Bradford's Bridge Project, a drugs advice and information project in Salem Street, Bradford, which secured National Lottery money from the Community Fund to employ two research assistants to carry out interviews.

The study will be split in to two stages, with in-depth interviews with about 40 people initially, followed up by interviews with a further 120 people to gain a general feel for people's problems with drug use. The research will begin in September and last for two years.

It is hoped the research will place the Bridge Street Project, which provides a range of day centre and outreach services to young people under the age of 18, in a position to offer a better service to drug users.

Professor Newell, said: "We will attempt to engage with groups showing particular disadvantage and likelihood of social exclusion.

"This will hopefully offer the groups better, more targeted provision of a service which seeks to address their difficulties, increasing social inclusion, and to give them a voice in defining the nature of their difficulties."