The cast and crew really gelled with their latest school production. St Joseph's School performance of the musical Gel was a real success.

Sixty-six children took part in the show, which they performed on three days.

Teacher Michael Jowett said: "The show was about a youth theatre who were going to put on a production but who were stopped by a street gang of boys and girls.In the end they decide to work together so there's a powerful message to be learnt from it."

n Children at the Keighley school raised £450 for Airedale Hospital with a sponsored run.

The whole school took part in the event and teacher John Lubomski said: "The run was held at Lund Park and it was a real community effort -- we had St John's Ambulance there as well as the police.

"The chidren all made a real effort and the money will go to the physiotherapy unit at Airedale Hospital. The whole event was well supported by the pupils and parents alike."