SIR - I have recently read a number of letters from outraged citizens of Bradford who are complaining about the group Fair Justice for All and the proposed protest. I agree that "if you do the crime, you must do the time".

What happened in Bradford was inexcusable and the harder the sentence the better if it will stop a repeat of what happened.

However if these readers looked into why people are protesting over the sentences, they would see that it is not because they say they are too harsh for the crime but because they are not fair in comparison to what has been received by whites involved in these and subsequent riots, May day riots in London, Millwall riots etc.

This is self-evident just by stories reported in the T&A. And anybody who is doubtful about this can look into it themselves.

If white rioters start receiving similar sentences, Fair Justice for All will soon disappear and no protest will be held. All that these families are asking is that Asians and whites receive similar sentences for similar crimes.

M Mason, Park Drive, Heaton.

SIR - I was very surprised and alarmed to read about a proposed march planned to take place this bank holiday, protesting about the length of prison sentences handed out to Bradford rioters by a group of 1500 women. I thought that after those terrible events of July last year such marches were banned.

I am also concerned about the self-styled security promised for this event. As a woman who was caught up in the riots in a car in Bradford alone, and witnessed the aggression on the faces of the rioters, I think they got off lightly.

Our police force were petrol-bombed, not to mention the poor people in the Labour club who had been trapped inside by thugs and nearly burned to death.

If any women in Bradford agree with me, perhaps we could march in favour of the sentences.

Lynda Cromie, Station Road, Queensbury.

SIR - Back in the late summer/ early autumn of 1958 when I left school and started work, there was a massive news story in almost every national newspaper that none of my peers (including my wife) can remember.

A French photographer was snapping photos over the Alps on a flight, I assume from northern Italy to Paris. When the film was developed, one of the prints in monochrome showed the face of Jesus Christ.

I would like to throw this open to many older readers of the T&A to see if they remember, and if possible let me have a photocopy of the said photo and news item relating to it. I will pay all costs.

Ray Hazlett, 31 Woodhall Terrace, Bradford BD3 7BZ.

SIR - Three times in just two weeks, my parents have been directly affected by serious car accidents within 50 yards of their home in Ashfield Road, Shipley.

My parents have previously been told that traffic-calming measures are impractical or impossible as the road carries buses. Not so the rest of Bradford?

Is a pedestrian life in Shipley worth any less than in Frizinghall or Girlington? Less politics, more sense please!

Anthony Howarth, Herbert Street, Saltaire.

SIR - The amount of our money that the council wastes on closing road ends, building islands and installing "sleeping policemen" instead of carrying out proper road repairs has long been a matter of amazement to me, but their latest effort in Heaton - installing road bumps of the worst kind on Wilmer Road - surely beats all.

The additional discomfort they will cause bus passengers must in the end put paid to the 680 service.

Talk about the promotion of the use of public transport!

Ian R McDougall, Hawkswood Avenue, Heaton.

SIR - Is this one of the ironies of history? About a hundred yards upstream of the old bridge at Apperley Bridge (where it's been suggested Hindus and sikhs could scatter the ashes of their relatives) on February 29, 1824, watched by an estimated 30,000 people, Prophet John Wroe attempted to cross the river by walking on the water.

The result of course was as predicted by everyone but John and his followers, who were then pelted with mud by the onlookers as they made a hasty escape to avoid an even worse fate.

Geoff Hutton, Oakdale Drive, Bradford 10