A worker from Ghana has visited Haworth to boost the village's bid for fair trade zone status.

The steering group hoping to establish Haworth as a fair trade zone noted the success of the visit and welcomed more interested parties at their meeting on Tuesday.

Main Street business Sonia's Smile is a member of the British Association of Fair Trade and sells fair trade products. Its owners Rita Verity and Anna Scott are behind the village's bid for fair trade status.

Ms Scott said: "The meeting went really well and it was great to see some new faces on board wanting details and signing the pledge for fair traded goods.

"We are so close to meeting all the criteria that we just need a last push of support and it's a question of tying up loose ends. Anyone can contact either myself or Rita for more details."

They welcomed Nuruddin Boateng to the village. Mr Boateng works for cocoa company Kuapa Kokoo, in Ghana. Kuapa Kokoo works with Comic Relief to produce fair traded chocolate.

Mr Boateng and Oxfam worker Bruce Crowther met with Rita Verity, who said: "We want everyone to get involved with this project. It could be a real coup for Haworth to have fair trade zone status."

Mr Boateng, who enjoyed the Keighley and Worth Valley railway and a visit to the Bront Parsonage Museum, said: "The fair trade really helps people in countries like Ghana. It really benefits people and makes a difference."

The next meeting of the steering group, which would welcome involvement from organisations and businesses, meets on Tuesday.

For more information contact Rita Verity or Anna Scott on 01535 647776 or 07816026280, e-mail info@www.soniassmile.com, or they are available to speak to in the shop.

Picture: Fair-trade campaigners are, from left, Nuruddin Boateng, Claire Smith, Bruce Crowther and Rita Verity