GLORIOUS weather boosted Bradley Family Day on Sunday and organisers say it was the biggest and the best yet.

TV weatherman Paul Hudson was the guest of honour and presented the prizes at the annual show.

He was described as "very amenable" and seemed to enjoy the day as well as meeting the visitors and residents who attended.

There was plenty on offer at this year's show and the fell race and mountain bike challenge proved particularly popular.

As usual there was a good standard of entries for the various horticulture and confectionery classes and numbers were up from last year.

Bradley Youth Group boosted their funds on the day, as did the Airedale Physiotherapists HAPPIE campaign, which held a raffle.

Traidcraft, which sells goods from the Third World, also reported a successful day, raising £156 for the Christian charity.

Family day spokesman Kate Wiggan said the committee would like to thank everyone who helped on the day, particularly those who responded to a plea in the Herald for help to put up the tents and the those who stayed behind to help clear up.