Not a photograph of Keighley, but one which will evoke memories for several generations of Keighley people -- the School Camp at Humphrey Head, near Kents Bank on the shores of Morecambe Bay.

This 'very suitable wooden building of pleasing appearance' had been acquired by Keighley Cinderella Club in 1909 as a summer home for poorer children. 'Large tanks which catch the rain water from the roof provide an ample supply of water,' its committee artlessly reported, 'and there is in addition a spring not far away.' The site offered 'splendid views of sea and mountain.'

By 1910 a total of 240 boys and girls, over a 16-week period, were 'out all day in the sunshine and wind', soon becoming 'brown and sun-burnt'.

In 1912 a teacher was appointed to organise lessons such as drawing and nature study. The site was taken over by the Keighley Education Committee in 1922 and run as a school camp.

The photograph was supplied by Mr Keith Sunderland, of Exley Avenue, Keighley.