First we had the 'wrong type of leaves' on the track; then the 'wrong sort of snow'. Now people in Menston have been told by rail chiefs that their bridge is not really a bridge after all - it's a tunnel.

This re-classfication means that all trains passing through Bradford Road Bridge at Menston Station are now required to sound their horns. And with up to 120 trains a day passing through the tunnel, residents say they are being subjected to 480 horn blasts per day because of this off-the-rails ruling.

The structure has not been altered but as a result of its new 'tunnel' status, sound boards have been placed on either side of it and all trains are required to sound their horns when approaching. The horns can be heard from 6.15am to 11.35pm everyday as far away as Otley Chevin and Ilkley.

Now Menston Community Association is urging residents to complain about the noise if they find it is annoying.

A spokesman said: "There seems no reason for the re-classification since one can see straight through the bridge when standing on the station platform.

"Several residents have complained that the need for all the horn blowing is not at all obvious and does not appear to serve any useful purpose, at least until we can get a pedestrian crossing over the tracks.

"The horns are very penetrating and to many it is a public nuisance."

Any resident who finds the noise intrusive and annoying should contact Ian Farmer, Environmental Protection Division,

Town Hall, Shipley, BD21 3EJ or call (01274) 758816.