Jimmy Lowes is expecting a tough tie when the Bulls head to his first club Hunslet in the Challenge Cup fifth round.

The Hawks, who shocked the rugby world by slaying the Huddersfield Giants in the last round, are likely to want to switch the tie to a larger venue, probably Headingley, to seat the expected army of Bulls followers.

The National League Division Two outift picked up their dream draw when Bradford legend Trevor Foster pulled the Bulls out of their hat and the world club champions will be taking this game seriously.

"We all saw what happened to Huddersfield in the last round," said Lowes, who spent six years at Hunslet after they signed him as a 16-year-old.

"We can't just go there and take the mick. I expect us to put our strongest side out and go there with all the best preparation.

"You can't mess around with these games and we will be ready for it."

Former Bulls legend Brian McDermott, now conditioning coach at the Giants, will be suffering from a red-hot phone after the cup draw in Leeds last night.

Bulls coach Brian Noble has already spoken to the former prop forward about the defeat and is likely to put another call in to find out what they are in for.

And Jimmy Lowes, who played alongside the Hawks' current coach Roy Sampson, will be doing the same.

"I think I will be giving my old pal Brian a ring," said veteran Lowes, who has won only once in four Challenge Cup finals.

"I'll see if he has any tips for us. I know he was devastated to see Huddersfield get knocked out by them."

But Lowes, typically philosophical, is refusing to get excited about a trip back to the club where he can became his professional career.

"You have to take who you get in this competition," said Lowes.

Many Hunslet fans are keen to switch the tie to Odsal, but the Bulls are unlikely to be too keen on the idea and the match, scheduled for Sunday, March 2, could well end up at Headingley or Elland Road. A decision is expected in the next few days.