Tenants in Keighley flats are so fed up with living in a 'war zone' that they have set up an action group to sort out the problems.

Residents at Bradford Council's Parkwood Rise met to discuss problems in the tower blocks.

The group of 60 tenants identified positive and negative aspects of life at the flats. Keighley Town Councillor Rose Thompson, who lives in Delph House, said: "The action group came together because too many decent tenants want to move."

Parkwood Rise comprises two 96-flat tower blocks and in front of them are blocks of 50 three-storey flats.

In a statement residents said: "The anti-social behaviour takes many forms: breaking lifts and the security system, urinating on landings and stairwells, playing loud music at unsociable hours, throwing rubbish and missiles out of windows including bottles, fireworks and needles." Some claimed some of the landings resemble war zones because of graffiti. Among their concerns were drugs and no recreation facilities.

A Bradford Council's spokesman said: "We are actively dealing with the anti-social tenants in these flats."