The family of a wheelchair-bound man who has died at the age of 25 is to raise money for a spina bifida charity.

Lee Fletcher, pictured, suffered from spina bifida, a condition that damages the central nervous system. He died suddenly in Bradford Royal Infirmary from ulcers in his gullet, which links the throat to the stomach.

Instead of flowers his family want people to donate money to the Association for spina bifida and hydrocephalus.

Lee Fletcher was a member of Bradford Bears wheelchair basketball club from 2000 until 2002.

He was also a keen Bradford City supporter and often went to see his favourite team.

As a child and teenager Lee, of Napier Road, Thornbury, Bradford, attended Lister Lane Special School and Bowling Community College, where he passed his GCSEs.

He leaves behind his mother, Mandy Sunderland, father Ken Fletcher, and brothers and sisters Anita, Kirstie and Joseph.

He also had two nephews, Ryan and Kenny, and a niece, Kayleigh.

His family described him as an sports mad person who was a big fan of Bob Marley, Elvis Presley and the Simpsons.

His mum, Mandy, said: "He was a quiet person who had a great sense of humour and he will be sadly missed by us."

Paul Binks, vice-chairman of the Bradford Bears, said: "He was very quiet but seemed to be getting into basketball and enjoying it. He turned up quite regularly to our training sessions."

The funeral service and cremation will be held at Scholemoor Cemetery tomorrow at 1pm.

The family has requested that a plate be made available at the service for donations to the spina bifida organisation.

For other donations contact the association at 42 Park Road, Peterborough, PE1 2UQ, 01733 555988.