'Big Dave' Gauder, a former World's Strongest Man, hauls a double decker bus along to a session to help children overcome bullying.

His message to a group of 300 ten and eleven-year-olds at Bingley was that bullying can be beaten.

He was the star turn at a session arranged by police at the Bradford and Bingley sports ground at Wagon Lane.

His feat of extraordinary strength represented his own success in overcoming bullies who targeted him as a child.

"We were delighted with the impact Big Dave had on Year 7 students back in October," said organiser Chief Inspector Steve Hodgson. "The message he gave them proved extremely helpful to young people in developing strategies for combating bullying. We were glad to have him back."

He is taking part in a series of crime prevention days with school children across the county which will eventually see 2,400 pupils from 80 primary schools benefiting from the experience. Youngsters were sent home with crime prevention packs, including mobile phone marking kits