A 14-year-old schoolgirl was among those arrested during a Drugs raid in Bradford yesterday afternoon.

Officers from the Bradford District Drugs Team searched a house on Chain Street as part of their Crackdown in Bradford: A Community Against Drugs operation.

The team seized 16 bags of cannabis which had been hidden in the house.

They arrested a 14-year-old girl from Leeds, an 18-year-old man and a 22-year-old man, both from Bradford, on suspicion of possession with intent to supply cannabis. The trio are being held at Bradford Central police station.

Detective sergeant John Thomas of the drugs team said: "The team did not only target those involved in dealing in Class A drugs, but would actively pursue anyone suspected of dealing in all types of illegal drugs.

"We are determined to disrupt local drugs markets and protect communities from the threat of drugs.

"Anyone with information about suspected drug dealing is asked to ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555111."