A man whose Bradford home was used as a "drug dealers' kitchen" has been jailed for seven years.

Leeds Crown Court heard how police officers raided Tariq Syed's house in Mayo Road, Odsal, Bradford, in January 2001 and found 1.9g of heroin in his garage.

They also discovered a sawn-off shotgun with a 13.5in barrel and cartridges.

Syed, 50, was sentenced yesterday after pleading guilty to possessing and supplying heroin, possessing crack cocaine and storing a sawn-off shotgun.

Prosecuting, David McGonigal QC, told the court that during a separate raid on a property in Harewood Street, Bradford, in February 2001, Syed was found at the house in possession of heroin, valued at £200, and 5.5g of crack cocaine. He was charged with possession of the drugs with intent to supply and for supplying heroin earlier that month.

Mr McGonigal said in two further police searches of the house in Mayo Road in May 2001, Syed was found to be in possession of seven wraps and 12g of heroin, and 65 mg of crack cocaine.

Mitigating, Tayyab Khan QC said Syed was a drug addict who had been ordered to store the gun at his home by two men who had previously injured him with an iron bar.

But sentencing Syed to three years in prison for possessing a prohibited weapon, Judge Shaun Spencer QC said: "The possession of a gun is a very serious matter because a sawn-off shotgun has no legitimate use at all. It is a tool of gangsterism. These offences involved police raids to your house, which was used as a drug dealers' kitchen."

Syed received a further four years for possessing heroin and crack cocaine with intent to supply and a three-year concurrent sentence for drug offences.