The fraud squad has been called in to investigate the use of regeneration cash in Manningham.

Council chiefs today confirmed they had called in police to look closer into the affairs of the Manningham and Girlington Single Regeneration Partnership.

The scheme was set up in 1998 to distribute £9.7 million to boost the area.

It aimed to create jobs, boost the economy and offer training.

But the project is now mired in controversy as question marks have appeared over some of its business grants. The police are investigating concerns that public money has not been used by outside organisations for the purpose intended.

And Bradford Council, as the "accountable body" in the regeneration partnership, has notified police.

Councillor Simon Cooke (Con, Bingley Rural) who is responsible for regeneration, said: "We have sent some information to the police, to see if there's any criminal activity associated with it."

He said the Council's in-house internal audit department had scrutinised the complaint but the matter was being passed to the police, who have greater powers to interview people and investigate.