An MP has criticised Leeds-Bradford Airport's consultative committee for backing major expansion plans which could include a 300 metre runway extension.

Aireborough MP Paul Truswell called for "meaningful consultation" and claimed most residents had "no idea" the committee existed.

He spoke out as it emerged the committee sent a report to the Government backing proposals which could see the number of passengers using the airport quadruple by 2030.

The feedback will be used to shape the Government white paper on the future of air travel in the UK. In its report, the committee said it has a "broad representation of interests" including "local environmental and residents groups".

But, Bill Harris, one of two committee members representing residents, admitted he had written to only 56 houses about the report.

He said: "I put a monthly newsletter out to the houses, but got no feedback at all, so I assume nobody has any objections. The residents know about the committee, but they don't come to me."

Mr Truswell called on the committee to actively consult and inform residents who would be most severely affected by the plans.

And he said a recent public meeting in Horsforth showed the strength of feeling against any expansion.

"The consultative committee response makes reference to the need to address local environmental issues, but seems to qualify this at every turn," he said. "I also intend raising my constituents' concerns in Parlia-ment."

But committee chairman Michael Goodwin, who lives in Harrogate, said the strong feeling of its members was in favour of expansion, adding the only opposition came from "the anti-noise brigade."

And airport managing director Ed Anderson rejected claims that residents living close to Leeds-Bradford did not have the chance to air their views.

"The consultative committee was set up under the terms of Government legislation," he said.

""It is much broader than representing just local residents and I am quite satisfied that it meets the relevant criteria. We do hold meetings from time to time with residents, which I attend."