HAROLD Best MP has thrown his weight behind Saturday's peace rally in Otley.

The Leeds North West MP, who is heavily critical of the move towards war in Iraq, will be one of the speakers at the rally timed to coincide with the national world wide day of peace.

Meanwhile, around 130 people will be leaving the town early in the morning to join the Stop the War Rally in London's Hyde Park.

Organised by the Otley Stop the War Group, two coaches will be making their way to the Hyde Park rally - expected to attract up to a million people.

Liz Carr, from the Otley Stop the War Group, said the response to the rally had been brilliant.

"Groups like ours, from all over the country, are reporting back how this one issue is galvanising all ages from all walks of life."

She added any single person wanting to join the coaches to London would not feel alone.

"We're very much a group and will be sticking together," she said.

In Otley, the rally, due to start at 2pm in Otley Market Place, will include speeches from Mr Best and leader of Otley Town Council, councillor John Eveleigh.

Mr Best said: "I am delighted to be able to take part in the Rally for Peace. As I have said previously we need a campaign for peace to be fought with the same vigour and with the same resources that are being given to the war effort."

Mr Best said he had sent a petition to Prime Minister Tony Blair just before Christmas from constituents against a war in Iraq.

"The crisis in Iraq is the biggest single issue in my postbag at the moment - I have not received one letter from a constituent who is in favour of going to war."

Mr Best added that he was concerned that any war would have terrible consequences for the Iraqi people, the Middle East and the world as a whole.

"I feel that the threat to world stability posed by any non-UN approved military action outweighs the threat posed by the Iraqi leadership. As such, I remain opposed to British involvement in any unilateral US led campaign against Iraq to achieve US stated objectives of regime change.

"In my opinion, there are alternatives to a pre-emptive military campaign. Iraq's somewhat belated acceptance of a return of weapons inspectors should be welcomed by everyone together with an agreed timetable for the completion of the UN's weapons inspectors work. This should be in conjunction with a timetable for the removal of economic sanctions and greater aid for the Iraqi people who have suffered dreadfully over the past decades."

Councillor John Eveleigh said "I don't think there has been conclusive evidence and I don't think Iraq poses a threat to us."

l There are still a few places left on to go to London on Saturday. Coaches will leave Otley Civic Centre at 7am and cost is £17 for the waged and £10 for the unwaged. Details from Howard on (01943) 465408 or 466455.