A Horsforth father whose son was killed in a road accident has spoken of his approval at the installation of long overdue pelican crossings.

Peter Hammond and his wife Helen lost their 11-year-old son Lawrence after he ran in front of a car in Rawdon Road in 2000.

Mr Hammond said: "We petitioned for the crossings and originally we hoped to have one where my son died but the council said that it was not possible.

"We were told that they would be putting the crossings in, but that was 18 months ago.

"I am a little worried though because the work seemed to stop about two or three weeks ago and I feel that the sooner they are working the better.

"Essentially along this stretch of the A65 there is nothing that stops the traffic and you get traffic coming either one way or the other.

"There is no natural break in the traffic and at least with two crossings we may get a break in the traffic to cross safely."

Now MP Paul Truswell has praised the community action that led to the new crossings.

Lawrence's parents, ward councillors and residents campaigned for new crossings, as well as Mr Truswell.

As a result of the campaign, crossings are under construction at the junction with Hall Lane, and Layton Avenue.

Mr Truswell said: "The A65 has continuous traffic, often travelling above the speed limit.

"People who need to cross, especially going to and coming from the bus stops outbound from Leeds, have to run a gauntlet of traffic.

"School children and older and disabled people are particularly vulnerable.

"While the crossings are not at the exact point where Lawrence was tragically killed, the locations are where the most significant numbers of people cross this busy road.

"There are so many locations where crossings are needed, and it is good that we now at least have crossings at these two important points on the A65."