A Yeadon couple will celebrate their Golden Wedding - on Valentine's Day.

Pat and Albert Brown of Cemetery Road, married 50 years ago after meeting at the Saturday Night Hop at Yeadon Town Hall.

Albert had just demobbed from the war. Sixteen-year-old Pat noticed him straight away.

She said: "It was his uniform that first caught my eye."

The couple courted for three years before marrying at St John's Church, Henshaw Lane in 1953. They have one daughter and one grand-daughter.

Pat, 69, and Albert, 73 put the secret of their long marriage down to one thing - laughter.

Pat said: "We've had a lot of ups and downs but the most important thing that has kept us going is the sense of humour we share."

The couple plan to celebrate their anniversary with a quiet meal.

But they may have a bigger party in September when their daughter and son-in-law will be celebrating their Silver Wedding anniversary.