OWNERS of a luxury home in Bramhope face having to knock a major part of it down - after being refused retrospective planning permission.

Mike Winterhalder and his wife extended their home in Moor Road by more than agreed by the council, and they are now being told to demolish some of the house.

Work at the former bungalow was originally meant to be just a first floor extension to add five bedrooms, but it also included raising the roof by more than a metre, adding several more windows and another room above the garage. Leeds City Council's area planning panel refused the retrospective plans for the house last week.

Mr and Mrs Winterhalder, of Green Acres, now face a 'substantial amount of demolition works rendering the property uninhabitable during that period'.

Mr Winterhalder will have to remove the roof and first floor along with several windows and the front porch.

So far, 13 residents and Bramhope Parish Council have all objected to the extensions at the former small bungalow. They claim that the extension amounts to three storeys and looks out of place in the area.

Mr Winterhalder was this week unavailable for comment.