BENCHES sawn in half, drug taking and vandalised toilets have led to security cameras being installed in an Otley shopping precinct.

Vandals have also repeatedly lifted drain hole covers - leading to a woman falling through and hurting herself.

From this week, five cameras will provide 24 hour, seven day a week surveillance in Orchard Gate.

And it is hoped the cameras, which will be linked to the caretaker's office in the precinct, will put an end to anti-social behaviour.

Mick Cox, part time caretaker, said vandalism, people defecating in door entrances and removing drain covers had become a major problem.

"We've had vandalism and other problems here for a long time. People use the place as a public toilet and will even defecate in the entrances to the shops.

"The toilets are cleaned every night, but are disgusting by the end of the next day."

Mr Cox added there had been repeated problems with vandals removing a drainage cover.

"They've kept lifting it off and then once, quite deliberately covered it with a piece of cardboard. A woman fell through it and badly hurt her leg," he said.

Chris Jones, of agents Dacres Commercial, said they had worked together with community police officers to install the £2,000 system.

"We had our doubts about the effectiveness of CCTV cameras, but then the crime prevention team put up a mobile camera that managed to achieve quite a few convictions. They were able to identify youths and take recordings to their parents' houses which proved very useful from their point of view."

Mr Jones said at the moment the cameras would record 24 hours every day the main walk throughs of the precinct, but there was a possibility that it would be extended to cover the whole area.