PEOPLE in Ben Rhydding look set to lose out as massive changes are planned for electoral wards in Ilkley and the surrounding area.

As a result of a review by the Government's Boundary Committee, the village of Addingham will move from Craven to Ilkley Ward, Ben Rhydding will be split in two and Rombalds will cease to exist.

The proposed changes also affect parish council wards with the suggestion that Holme Ward be abolished. Its territory will be divided between modified Burley-in-Wharfedale and Menston parish wards. There would be six parish councillors for Burley and four for Menston, leaving the overall number unchanged.

The Boundary Committee also suggests changing the number of councillors returned by Ilkley parish council wards to reflect the number of electors.

But it is Ben Rhydding that will suffer most from the new arrangements if they are implemented later on in the year.

Part of the village, presently in Ilkley District Ward, will transfer to a new Wharfedale Ward containing Burley and Menston. The area which will be taken by Wharfedale Ward runs from the railway line to the Cow and Calf rocks.

The effect of this change may mean that the Wharfedale District Ward part of Ben Rhydding will later have to move from Ilkley to the Shipley Parliamentary Constituency, in line with Burley and Menston.

Voters would no longer be represented by Labour MP Ann Cryer, but by Labour MP and Junior Minister Chris Leslie.

The proposed radical change in the district's political landscape is not expected to be popular with residents in Ben Rhydding.

Craven district councillor David Harrison, said that at first glance the proposal to move Addingham into Ilkley Ward was a sensible idea because the two places were geographically closer.

Coun Harrison said: "My first reaction is that yes it would be an advantage to be closer to Ilkley in Wharfedale, as opposed to a conurbation in the Aire Valley."

District councillor Chris Greaves (Con, Rombalds) said that Rombalds Ward was an artificially created ward but the new Wharfedale Ward seemed equally unnatural.

"Rombalds was always an artificial ward but it does look as if it is being replaced by another artificial ward. We are swapping Bri-Nylon for Lycra," said Coun Greaves.

Overall, Coun Greaves said he would be happy with the new political boundaries if the people of Ben Rhydding would agree.

"It is not natural but if the people are happy in Ben Rhydding I would be delighted to have them. I don't think the people in Burley and Menston will be very worried," said Coun Greaves.

But Ilkley district councillor Anne Hawkesworth, who is also an Ilkley parish councillor for Ben Rhydding, accused the Boundary Committee of wanting to split the natural, indivisible community of Ilkley and Ben Rhydding.

She said: "It is something of a perverse recommendation for them to make because it is against the parameters they set themselves in the first place. They made it quite clear they were not going to split communities." She added: "I think the people of Ben Rhydding will not be too happy - they will see it as laughable that they are not part of Ilkley."

A Bradford Council spokesman said: "We have received the report from the Boundary Committee on proposed changes to ward boundaries.

"Over the next few weeks, members will carefully consider the content of the report before submitting their comments by April 7.

"The Boundary Committee's draft recommendations retain 90 members of council representing 30 wards. However changes to the boundaries of all 30 wards in the district are proposed."

The report is available for inspection at main libraries, City Hall, and information offices.

The Boundary Committee for England began a review of electoral arrangements for the district in May last year. The aim of the review is to ensure that each of the 30 wards in the Bradford district has roughly the same number of voters so every councillor represents the same number of residents.

Following the publication of the draft recommendations, there will be a consultation period where people are invited to comment.

The Boundary Committee will take fully into account all submissions made on the subject received by April 7, this year.

To respond to the proposals, write to Team Leader, Bradford Review, The Boundary Committee for England, Trevelyan House, Great Peter Street, London, SW1P 2HW.

l What do you think about the proposed changes to the boundaries? Write to the editor at 8 Wells Road, Ilkley, LS29 9JD by noon on Tuesday.