Health bosses have been urged to consider building a new GP surgery in Great Horton, Bradford, if a doctors' practice pulls out of the area.

Proposals have been put forward to close a family doctors at Hollingwood Lane in Paradise Green because the building - a converted house -is cramped and difficult to access for people with disabilities.

Dr John Hardaker and Dr Nigel Walker look after about 3,700 patients in Clayton, Lidget Green and Great Horton, from two sites - the Hollingwood Lane building and a modern, purpose built centre at Cowgill Surgery in Thornaby Drive, Clayton.

They believe by relocating everything at Cowgill Surgery they will be able to provide a better range of services to patients.

But Councillor John Godward (Lab, Great Horton) said it would leave patients in Paradise Green, Lidget Green and Scholemoor without a GP.

"Unfortunately, the closure of this surgery marks the end of any general practice in this part of my ward, which is a highly populated area with many children and elderly people who need to use these services more than other groups within the population," he said.

"Travel to Clayton or Great Horton will cause problems for some and may deter them seeking early treatment for developing conditions.

"The Government's policy is that primary care services should be offered near to where people live, and I am asking Bradford South and West Primary Care Trust, as a priority, to work with the Council to identify land on which to build a new primary care facility for the people of Paradise Green, Lidget Green and Scholemoor."

Bradford South and West Primary Care Trust (PCT), which is responsible for health services in this area, is now consulting the public about the proposals.

Gideon Seymour, director of primary care for the PCT, said: "We are aware that some patients will find difficulty in travelling to the doctors' main Cowgill Surgery in Clayton. The PCT will continue to look at options for the Paradise Green area, including whether new primary care facilities can be developed."

The consultation period ends on Friday, February 28. Comments should be sent to Dr Barbara Hakin, chief executive, Bradford South & West Primary Care Trust, FREEPOST NEA 14303, Bradford, BD6 3XH, e-mailed to or faxed to (01274) 321805.

All views will be considered at a board meeting on March 18. There will be a meeting of Bradford Community Health Council on Friday, February 21, at 1pm, at its offices in Unit 7, Legrams Terrace, Fieldhead Business Park, Bradford, when the proposal will be discussed.