Three teenagers have been locked up following a robbery and race attack at a Bradford petrol station.

A Court heard how one of the gang hurled racist abuse at the Asian cashier while the others mugged a 14-year-old boy in the store.

As he handed custodial sentences to Daniel Jones, Carl Young and Lee Hearsum, Recorder Christopher Prince said the youngster had been terrified by the ordeal.

Prosecuting at Bradford Crown Court yesterday, Michael Bosemworth said the trio had gone to a Jet garage in Barkerend before midnight last October. They tried to buy alcohol but were refused because it was after 11pm. "An argument developed which turned particularly unpleasant," said Mr Bosemworth.

The court heard that it ended with Young hurling abuse at the cashier including racist insults.

Mr Bosemworth said that at the same time, a 14-year-old boy had gone into the forecourt shop with £10 to buy milk, coffee and other items for his mother. Hearsum grabbed him around the neck while Jones took the cash.

Mr Bosemworth told how the defendants had a catalogue of convictions between them.

Young, 19, of Thursby Street, Leeds Road, Bradford, admitted racially aggravated harassment and an unrelated charge of burglary involving £8,500 of computer equipment.

Recorder Prince heard he had been drunk on the night and that he had already served three months in custody. He sentenced Young to 16 months in a young offender institution.

Hearsum, 17, of Haslam Close, Pollard Park, Bradford, stressed it was not a premeditated robbery and a youth justice worker told how he had made good progress since his arrest. He was sentenced to a 12-month training and detention order.

Jones, 19, also of Haslam Close, said he was "appalled" and "aghast" by his behaviour which had been prompted by the drinking of Jack Daniels whisky. He was sent to a young offender institution for 12 months.