A leading prosecutor was warned about offending her colleagues after she suggested America had brought the September 11 terrorists attack on itself, a tribunal was told.

Peter Mann, a manager and senior barrister at the Crown Prosecution Service in Bradford, told Halima Aziz to be aware of the sensitivity of the subject after a colleague said he was offended by a remark she made in the office.

Mrs Aziz was heard to say that although America could not be blamed for the attacks, neither could the terrorists, and America could be said to have "brought it upon itself", the tribunal heard.

Mrs Aziz is claiming racial and sexual discrimination by the CPS after she was suspended following allegations that she joked about being a friend of Osama Bin Laden to a security guard at Bradford Magistrates' Court.

Mr Mann, who was in charge of the Bingley and Youth team of solicitors which included Mrs Aziz, said he approached her after learning of the remarks allegedly made in the office.

He said he was fearful of the effect that talk could have on members of staff, which included an American.

Mr Mann told the tribunal a colleague reported Mrs Aziz's "forcible" comments after overhearing what she had said to another member of staff.

"I told her she was entitled to hold the views she expressed," Mr Mann told the tribunal. "She was not wrong in holding those views but she should be aware that someone had been offended by what she said."

Mr Mann insisted he had not complained about her conduct. He told staff they should be "sensitive and careful" when discussing the matter in future.

He said that Mrs Aziz had been reported for making the remarks in the office after she had allegedly joked to the security guard at the magistrates' court. He said he was unaware of the court incident at that time.

Mrs Aziz, 43, from Manningham, was suspended on October 10 after the court security guard reported her alleged comments about Bin Laden. It was also alleged she blamed the events of September 11 on the Jews.

Mr Mann admitted he was "shocked" when she was suspended at a meeting he attended. He rejected Mrs Aziz's claim that she was targeted because she was an Asian female and said he had followed the CPS's equal opportunities procedures.

The hearing continues.