The controversial post of Keighley Town Council clerk is to be re-advertised under a new title and with a starting salary of at least £26,000.

The full-time post has been changed from clerk to Keighley Town Council Administrator, a move that did not go down well with all councillors.

The position has been left vacant since former clerk Lesley Airey staged a dramatic walk out in October, branding her £13,122 salary offer as "derisory".

The town clerk, who was on a temporary contract, sent a letter to town mayor Councillor Martin Leathley stating that the terms of her contract had "completely failed to recognise the importance of the role".

Councillor Robert Payne told councillors that the pay for the newly titled post would not be below £26,000 a year and would be commensurate with experience.

"Clearly this is an issue that needs rectifying immediately," said Councillor Payne. "We think town clerk is a misappropriation of what the post could be and it maybe considered as high and mighty, so we have changed it to Keighley Town Council Administrator."

Councillor Tony Wright said: "I don't think it's high and mighty, I think there are reasons that aren't coming out at this meeting."

Town mayor Councillor Martin Leathley said there was no ulterior motive behind the change of job title.

He said: "We are offering a very substantial salary and what we are looking for is someone who has legal and financial knowledge."

Since Mrs Airey and her assistant Anita Gregory walked out of their jobs, Councillor Graham Mitchell has been fulfilling the legal requirements of the post in his role as acting proper officer, with Cllr Payne filling in as the acting Finance Officer.

Robert Westwood was seconded from Bradford council in December to cover administrative tasks and has taken over the role as proper officer after Councillor Mitchell stood down at this month's meeting due to the workload.

Mr Westwood and Councillor Payne will continue in their roles until the administrator is appointed.

Councillor Payne stressed that the town council was on a tight schedule and was "running out of time" to appoint someone.

He said the aim would be to have a candidate in the post by April 1.

Fellow councillors also decided that Councillors Mitchell and Payne should receive expenses they have incurred whilst carrying out the roles.

The town council meets again in full on March 6.