Health chiefs are urging Denholme residents to have their say about the proposed re-shaping of GP services in the village.

Bradford South & West Primary Care Trust is holding a consultation into services at Anne Street clinic in Denholme.

The closing date for the consultation period is Friday, February 28. The PCT will consider all the views expressed at its public board meeting on March 18.

The Wilsden practice currently runs two sessions a week at Anne Street, which it wants to end.

The five-doctor practice, which has health centres in Wilsden and Cullingworth, says it is too difficult to provide services on three sites.

It says that only basic consultations can be made at Anne Street, and that most Denholme people registered with the practice make the trip down to neighbouring Cullingworth for treatment.

It is also planning to change its boundary so it will not accept new patients living in Denholme, although it will take on babies born to parents already registered. The new practice boundary will cross Keighley Road at Carr Lane.

The Thornton practice, which owns the Anne Street premises, has pledged to double the number of sessions it provides there.

It will take on any patients wishing to transfer from the Wilsden practice.

Health chiefs with Bradford South & West PCT - who plan, provide and commission health care - say they will provide extra cash for doctors and nurses, as well as creating a full reception area at Anne Street for patients.

A spokesman for the PCT says: "Both the Wilsden and the Thornton practices as well as the PCT are keen to see a modern, improved primary care service for people living in Denholme.

"The number of people living in Denholme is growing all the time and the PCT is looking at how to improve services to the area, particularly making sure that people with chronic diseases such as diabetes and asthma can be treated nearer to home."

Any views on the issue should be sent to Dr Barbara Hakin, Chief Executive, Bradford South & West Primary Care Trust, FREEPOST NEA14303, Bradford BD6 1BR.

E-mails can be sent to or faxed on 01274 321805.

l A free door-to-door bus service has been set up for patients in Denholme who are unable to use public transport.

The Access Bus service is a dial-a-ride service introduced as a joint project between Denholme Elders Network and South & West Primary Care Trust.

A half-hourly bus service also runs between Denholme and Cullingworth.

For more information about the Access Bus contact 01274 304297.