Keighley Market will be set for a revamp if plans for a new council market strategy are approved next week.

And it is intended the strategy, which is due to be discussed by Bradford Council's Executive next Tuesday, will involve the market more in hosting other events.

Bradford Council's head of markets, Malcolm Veigas, has said the money earmarked to redevelop the market will be in excess of £500,000 to be spent over the next three to five years.

He said: "We will be spending the money in conjunction with tenants. And we will also be considering what the shoppers have decided should be a priority.

"We are looking at the way we provide the whole service, including health and safety and the land owner's responsibilities."

So far ideas from tenants have been geared towards the cosmetics of the market.

They include refurbishing the floor and entrance to make the market more welcoming. And there are plans to make the whole market brighter and lighter.

Environmental concerns will also be taken into account, such as providing an even temperature throughout the year.

Mr Veigas added: "If the plans are approved, we will be putting together special schemes and feasibility studies into how to spend the money."

The strategy aims to develop the role of all the council's markets as key players in the regeneration and tourism improvements across the district.

As well as individual investment programmes, the strategy will look to create closer links between markets and other organisations.

These will include town centre managers and tourism groups to involve markets in events such as local festivals.

The plan will also look at holding themed events similar to European-style markets to introduce new shopping concepts.

Cllr Simon Cooke, Bradford Council's Executive Member for Corporate and Regeneration, said: "Markets have always provided a focal point for communities and the local economy. It is important that we develop their role as we try and take the district forward.

"Markets have a vital role to play in the regeneration of the district, but this is not just about spending money to improve buildings and market places.

"We also want to invest in the people who work and shop there.

"It will also allow the markets to get more involved in supporting their community - from working with local schools to providing a location for events."