Families have been put on childwatch alert after reports of men approaching children in Haworth.

The incidents are being treated as suspicious by police, and Haworth Primary School has issued a warning letter to parents.

Police are also urging parents to be vigilant following two reports of men approaching young boys in the village.

The latest incident involved two six-year-old boys who were playing near Haworth Primary School after school on Tuesday.

They were very frightened when a man approached them and said "Here you, come here" and went to grab one of them.

The children ran back into school, where they told staff.

Deputy head teacher Jill Wilson has sent a letter to parents, which says that children will not be allowed to leave school to meet parents on Rawdon Road.

It added: "We will be talking to the children about keeping themselves safe. Perhaps you would reinforce this at home as well."

This incident follows reports that a boy fled after he was asked to get into a stranger's car last Thursday, at 6 40pm

Fear spread among village residents when they heard that the 11- year-old boy had been invited into a car by a middle-aged man.

The boy's mother told the Keighley News: "It's a real worry and he was really scared by it.

"He was walking close to where we live off Sun Street when a pale coloured Land Rover type vehicle -- it's like a van at the back -- drew up to him and the passenger asked him for the time.

"He said he didn't have the time and carried on walking because we've always told him not to stop to talk to strangers," she added.

"Then they pulled up and opened the door and told him to jump in and they'd give him a lift home.

"But he told them he lived nearby and ran off. I really want parents to be careful because you just don't know what people can do.

"It's better to be on the safe side. I've always told my children that if an adult stops to talk to them to be wary because adults don't normally just stop and talk to children they don't know.

"When I was helping my son give the description to the police my blood ran cold because I realised it could well have been his description I was giving them if he had been snatched."

Insp Mark Allsop, of Keighley police, said: "The boy did the right thing. We are treating this as a suspicious incident and we would urge children to be careful.

"If they are approached they should go straight to another adult and contact the police.

"The basic message is not to talk to strangers, and it is much better to err on the side of caution."

Insp Allsop added: "There have been two incidents of people approaching children in the area and we are asking people to contact us if they have further information or if this has happened to their child."

The two six-year-old boys described the man who approached them as white, aged about 40, with some beard growth on his chin.

They said he was wearing a dark blue fleece and a peaked cap. He had two dogs with him, one black and one ginger.

The 11-year-old boy described the passenger of the Land Rover as aged about 30, with short dark curly hair.

He was unable to describe the driver.

People with more information are asked to contact Keighley police on 01535 604261.