New locations have been announced for five new special schools in Bradford, which could open in September 2005.

The two new primary schools and three new secondary schools will be built on existing mainstream school sites. The site for a third new primary school has not yet been agreed.

The aim is to promote better working together for the benefit of children with special needs, and forms part of sweeping changes to special needs education being introduced by Education Bradford.

The £35 million plan will also see the closure of ten existing special schools, Bolling, Braithwaite, Branshaw, Chapel Grange, Greenfield, Haycliffe, Heaton Royds, Lister Lane, Netherlands Avenue and Wedgwood.

The new facilities will be paid for either fully or partly through the private finance initiative and Council chiefs are waiting for a Government decision.

The new special schools for 11 to 19s will be built alongside Beckfoot School at Bingley, Grange Technology College at Great Horton and Greenhead High School in Keighley.

The new schools for younger pupils will be built alongside Crossflatts Primary in Bingley and within the joint site at Bradford Moor and Lapage.

All of the new schools will cater for pupils with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties, and those with severe and complex autism.

Under Education Bradford's new strategy for looking after children with special needs, those with mild learning difficulties will in future be catered for in mainstream schools. Parents of children who attend the ten special schools facing the axe, and parents of youngsters at the mainstream 'partner' schools will be consulted on proposals.

Phil Green, director of education at Bradford Council, said: "Education Bradford have been working with schools on these proposals and we will now listen to what other groups have to say about the plans."

The new plans are due to be discussed at the Education Overview and Scrutiny committee next Wednesday.