Prince Charles today told of his "deep upset" after vandals desecrated a Bradford war memorial which he had rededicated only months before.

The figure of Jesus was ripped from a wooden cross, its arm torn off and slashed before being dumped in mud outside St Michael and All Angels Church, Cottingley.

The vicar of St Michael's, the Reverend Sue Pinnington, who discovered the attack yesterday, said she was heartbroken.

The memorial had been replaced after vandals destroyed the previous figure of Christ and used its head as a football in May last year.

Prince Charles personally arranged to attend the rededication service after he learned of the initial attack.

At the service last September, he made a point of condemning the "shallow-rooted" vandals.

Today a St James's Palace spokesman said the Prince would again be contacting the church in Littlelands to offer his support.

"He is deeply upset that the memorial has again been damaged and he feels particularly sorry for the community of Cottingley that once again they have been victims of vandalism," he said.

"He has been informed of the incident and he will be keeping tabs on the situation."

The Bishop of Bradford, the Right Reverend David James, said it was a "blow to the stomach" for people in Cottingley.

"I'm deeply saddened and hurt for the people of Cottingley who came together last autumn to consolidate that community," he said.

"It's a huge blow to those many who gave up their lives and who must be remembered with gratitude.

"Also, Christ was crucified for the people and those who have done this have desecrated his image which was an expression of his forgiveness for them."

Church vicar, the Rev Pinnington said she did not believe it was the same vandals who struck last year.

"I'm gutted and I can't believe this has happened again," she said.

""After the wonderful, joyful day we celebrated together with the Prince of Wales, this is a heart-breaking and very disillusioning incident.

"We all came together to celebrate the new memorial and in a way it was a new beginning for our community. Now it feels as though someone has ripped us apart."

People in the community, who helped raised money for the new memorial to commemorate villagers who fought in the First World War, also spoke of their anger and shock.

Bradford Council leader, Councillor Margaret Eaton, who is also ward councillor, said it was devastating news.

"This is mindless, idiotic behaviour by people who are obviously sick and don't have much between their ears," she said.

"It is vandalism of people's inner being."

Children at Cottingley Village Primary School played a role at the Royal visit and laid a wreath at the memorial.

"It's hideous that this has happened again," said deputy head teacher Pam Allen.

"The children did a lot of research into the men whose names are on the memorial and the pupils' work was on display for the Prince.

"We hoped that day would have been a step forward but now it looks like we've taken a step backwards."

Cottingley Community Association vice-chairman Tony Roche said he was disgusted.

"There are no words to describe how deep and great our anger is," he said.

"Somebody must come forward and say who is responsible for this vicious attack.

"Again it's the minority of young people who are giving the others a bad name and we won't tolerate it."

Inspector Nigel Cawthorne, Keighley police community safety inspector, appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

"We are aware of the importance of the memorial and we are doing all we can to get to the bottom of this," he said.

"We were closely involved with the community last year when the first memorial was attacked and since then it has been very subdued in that area."

Anyone with information about the incident can contact Keighley police on (01535) 617059, or the Problem Orientated Policing team on (01274) 537441.