A Keighley sprint star of the future has shown he is on the right track for success by setting a new indoor record.

William Bogle broke the record for the West Yorkshire two-lap race during trials for West Yorkshire Sports Hall Athletics.

The speedy teenager recorded a time of 22.89 seconds during a meet at Beckfoot School, Bingley.

And the reward for the 13-year-old from West Lane is a place with the Under-13 West Yorkshire team, which will be travelling up to Thornaby on Tees, Cleveland on February 22 for the Regional Finals.

William said: "I qualified for the West Yorkshire trial following a meeting at Parkside School when I won the two lap race and Long Jump.

"I hope to take up athletics and would like to compete in either the 100 metre or 200 metre sprint."

The Greenhead High School student has also been encouraged to take his talent further by parents Janet and William, and his sports teacher at the Utley school, Richard Thompson.

"He is a real raw talent and we have been able to do some basic training, but the next step for him would be to get some proper athletics training," said Richard.

If William does well in the north east he could go forward to the national trials at the NEC in Birmingham.