AUSTRALIAN cricket is locked in a battle to recognise a long forgotten part of their history - which was played out in Keighley.

Rulers of the game 'Down Under' are under pressure to recognise an Aboriginal team that played in Keighley as the first Test side to tour England.

The fight to get regonition for the team, has been taken right to the top with the Australian Sports Minister calling for the team to be aknowledged by the ruling boyd.

Legendary Test captain Ian Chappell rekindled the argument as he was being inducted into Australian cricket's hall of Fame. At the awards ceremony he said he was proud to have been among Australias 380 test players but added: "That number should be increased by 14 because we should cast our minds back to the 1868 side -- the first Australian side to tour England -- the Aboriginal side."

That team came to Keighley and played on the town's original cricket field in Dalton Lane.

They started with a 'war dance' and during the tea interval gave demonstrations of boomerang and spear throwing.

The team was captained and coached by Charles Lawrence and during their tour won 14 games, lost 14 and drew 19.

Ian Chappell added: "Who knows, if they hadn't been so successful and if they hadn't endured hardships it may not have been so easy for those that have followed. I think the Australian Cricket Board and the people who are involved should find a way to find a special category for those guys, I think they desrve to be called Australian cricketers."

Ten years later, in 1878, another Australian team visited Keighley. That team, known as Gergory's Team, is recognised as the first Test team. They played an 18-strong Keighley team in a three day match, with the Australians won by seven wickets. A crowd of nearly 4,000 watched on the opening day.

n The 1868 Aboriginal touring team at Keighley's first cricket ground in Dalton Lane.