A man who was branded a professional burglar by a judge has been jailed again for three years.

Michael Dooling, 36, admitted two night-time break-ins at commercial premises in Shipley and asked for a further 33 similar matters to be taken into consideration. Recorder Simon Bourne-Arton QC heard how Dooling's offending spree had netted him property valued at more than £9,500 and none of it had been recovered.

Dooling, of Woolcomb Court, Heaton, with a long record of convictions going back to the early 1980s, told police he was addicted to heroin and crack cocaine, and his habit was costing him £20 to £30 a day.

He pleaded guilty to burglary at an insurance brokers in Otley Road, Shipley, and another attack on a restaurant in Westgate. His barrister Lesley Dickinson told Bradford Crown Court that Dooling had gone out with police officers to point out premises he had burgled.

Recorder Bourne-Arton told Dooling that he had been a professional burglar, but would receive some credit for the fact that he brought other matters to the attention of the police.