Youngsters at a Bradford primary school criticised for poor teaching are reporting for extra lessons over the Easter holiday.

Swain House Primary School is one of nine places in Bradford running 'Easter Schools' - revision for SATs tests, due in May.

Ofsted inspectors have placed the school in special measures after it was strongly criticised by the school watchdog last year. But inspectors, noting signs of improvement, did not give it the official label of a 'failing' school. On a return visit in February, however, they sampled 23 lessons, and rated six as unsatisfactory and three poor.

The inspectors have criticised the school again, saying its efforts to address poor teaching over the past few months "had a minimal effect". While behaviour is better and strong, new management is in place, persistent problems of weak teaching remain, the report says.

And it blames the school's poor showing in national tests for seven and 11-year-olds on weaknesses in teaching.

The inspectors say: "Many of the weaknesses are long-standing, fundamental and deep-rooted. While some teachers have responded well to changes, others have not been able to adapt successfully."

The report praises the high quality of some teaching at Swain House, but says in other cases the work offered to children is mundane and uninspiring, while a culture of low expectations is "endemic", meaning many children did not reach the levels they were capable of.

More positively, the good leadership of head teacher Dianne Rowbotham, who took over in September, is praised along with the better-organised governing body - slammed in the previous report.

Neil Traynor, who has been chairman of governors since October, said: "An awful lot has happened here over the last 18 months and we have built firm foundations. The head has really got the full confidence of governors, parents and staff."

Ms Rowbotham said: "We are very pleased with the number of pupils and staff members who have volunteered to be part of the Easter school. It's a booster programme, one of a long list of things we are doing to bring about improvements at the school."

Other primary schools also taking part in the Easter School initiative are Buttershaw, Blakehill, Byron, Copthorne, Green Lane, Guard House, Idle CE and Lapage. Education Bradford has found extra money from the DfES to enable them to run the programme.

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