The family of a jailed Wyke truck driver were flying out to see him in his Greek cell today.

Tracey Wilson and her son Daniel, 21, pictured, hope to see David Wilson tomorrow and Thursday before flying back to Bradford on Friday.

Mrs Wilson has not seen him for six weeks, apart from a 45-minute visit when he was first detained.

Greek customs officers arrested Mr Wilson, 44, when they found 19 illegal immigrants - Iraqi Kurds - in the back of his wagon. He had been due home the following Saturday.

The self-employed truck driver, who owns 3D Transport of Wyke, was tried the next day in a Greek court with a solicitor who did not speak English.

Despite denying all knowledge of the immigrants, he was fined £47,000 and thrown in jail for 11 years.

Mrs Wilson is finding the separation from her husband hard and is throwing all her efforts into getting him freed.

"We can see him in the morning and afternoon on both days," she said. "He was so excited when I told him we were coming, his voice changed.

"He is 100 per cent innocent and it is an horrendous story, but we have to get through it. Reality has begun to kick in now but I am trying to put on a brave face and concentrating on getting him out of there."

She is taking him some more clothes and books. "He is so bored in prison," she said. "He is helping two Russian prisoners with their English which will keep his mind active, but his spirits are up and down."

Mr Wilson's family and friends and businesses in Wyke have raised £16,000 towards the £22,000 bail money it would need to get him back home pending an appeal.

Yorkshire and Humber MEP Richard Corbett has visited Mr Wilson and is liaising with the British Embassy in Athens. Campaigning organisation Fair Trials Abroad has found Mr Wilson an English-speaking solicitor who is preparing a case to seek appeal.

The Crown Hotel in Wyke is holding a fundraising day on Friday, including raffles, an auction and headshaves.

To help the Free Willy Appeal, contact Prescott Transport on (01274) 414123 or pay a cheque into any bank, sort code 560036, account number 28543610.