SIR - In recent times I have received e-mails from three Bradfordians, all still living in Bradford. Each one asked, in effect, if I was crazy writing about the things I miss about Bradford. Each one reminded me what a dump it is, how the crime is high, how dirty it is, how unfairly people are treated, how expensive it is to live there.

It seems to me that they are the crazy ones who take the time to write about the negative things and see nothing positive. How sad that they live in this Bradford and can't claw their way out. How horrible it must be to be forced to live in such a place while life is passing them by.

I'm not sorry I write about the Bradford I miss very much, along with the people who are known as the salt of the earth.

If those people who live there didn't knock it so much and were just a little bit patriotic and counted their blessings, they just might find some peace of mind.

If not, then geographically they are living in the wrong city.

SIR - When this country went to war against Adolf Hitler, the Americans remained silent over supporting us but later on when Pearl Harbour was attacked they came running after we had taken the brunt and were on the way to victory.

If Tony Blair had lived through those years he might have had second thoughts. It must have escaped his mind he was elected to give first priority to this country.

The efforts, determination and willpower of Winston Churchill and his wartime supporters keep England a free and independent country for its citizens and future generations have been ignored by the various leaders who have brought destruction and ruination to a land of loyalty and respectability by making it unsafe and insecure.

Churchill said it would be a country fit for heroes. Now it is fit for drug-taking criminals and such like.

D Stringer, Holme Wood Road, Bradford 9.

SIR - Why has no-one mentioned the absence of senior members of the Royal family and indeed Tony Blair at RAF Brize Norton? I was amazed when watching the bodies of the fallen British arriving home that there was no Queen, no Prince Charles, no Duke of Edinburgh.

These brave young men have given their lives for "Queen and country." Even Prince William could have gone. How would Tony Blair feel if it was his son?

I feel the Royal Family are not making much of an effort and show themselves up for the shabby lot they are.

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all the families who have lost sons and husbands, fathers, brothers.

B Beck, Northall Avenue, Thackley.

SIR - I read Mrs Gilles's letter (T&A, April 7) and thank her for taking an interest in my dyslexia research. I share her concern regarding truancy and the waste of opportunity it represents. From my perspective, the irony is that a significant proportion of those truants will have poor literacy skills and - in many cases - they will be dyslexic.

One can only imagine the sheer tedium of their school days and the constant humiliation they will have to endure in class.

I have no doubt that secondary school attendance would improve dramatically if these literacy problems were properly addressed by the Government.

Keda Cowling, Green Road, Baildon

SIR - Derek Mozley's weekly appearances in Feedback are not that annoying as two people have suggested (Feedback, April 7).

He is a Bradford show-off, just like Gareth Gates and David Hockney, eagar to impress us all. Kimberley Walsh is a worse offender - no national tabloid or celebrity magazine is absent of her charms for very long!

Let's be proud of these bright sparks who put in effort while many haven't the get up and go to be bothered.

John Craig Taylor, Park Hill Drive, Bradford 8.

SIR - Why has our council tax bill soared this year when the Council received extra cash? Where has all the money gone? Wasted on salaries and expenses, no doubt.

So come on all you ratepayers and oust the councillors who are in power now and put new councillors in.

J R Smith, Retired People's Action Group, Flawith Drive, Fagley.

SIR - Re your report "Pitch battle over traders" (T&A, April 11). Human rights aside, although none the less important, I cannot believe that the Council is only now (and for purely selfish reasons) asking these people to stand aside in favour of nothing more than cosmetic appearances.

Having seen the state of some of the stalls in other parts of the city I should think the flower and fast-food stalls which currently exist at the bottom of Darley Street would have been seen as pleasing to the eye and somewhat in keeping with good taste in comparison.

These stalls have been in existence for quite some time now and should be permitted to continue without threats from people who have no concept of good taste and a sense of tradition.

Besides, is it not the Broadway area that required a facelift? Darley Street is a little way off. Leave them alone.

Martin John Petty, Haworth Road, Bradford 9

SIR - I could not believe that the Council is whinging about street traders in Darley Street, saying they fetter the city's redevelopment.

What a load of rubbish! These stalls and stallholders make Bradford a more interesting place as when you look around Bradford many shops are closed down, maybe because of the high Council business rates!

Remember these guys are out in all weathers trying to earn a crust and I think they're great. They give Bradford character.

So come on Council. Leave 'em be.

Mrs C Coates, Allerton Road, Allerton.

SIR - If certain Council members believe the city will be "poshed up" by getting rid of small traders, they are wrong! The small traders add a special touch to the city and give it a lively, warm character.

We do not want Bradford to become like Leeds with its boring "multinational" mono-chainstores and sterile and unfriendly, large modern shopping centres.

The way the Council is carrying on we will have no small businesses left in Bradford and more people added to the growing unemployment list.

Support your small business and traders, Bradfordians! And to the Council - give more support to small businesses which have a great deal to contribute to the city!

Pamela Cottingham, Beechwood Avenue, Bradford 6