It is far too early yet for the children of Iraq to start savouring the new-found freedoms that should come their way following the vanquishing of the tyrannical regime of Saddam Hussein. Hopefully they will now be able to grow up in a country which is no longer ruled by terror.

For the present, though, the thoughts of many of them will be focused on the physical rather than the philosophical: on the spasms in their belly, the tightness that grips their chest and the cough that wracks them with pain.

Tens of thousands of Iraqi children are in the grip of a major humanitarian and health-care crisis. Years of suffering under a harsh regime have been greatly aggravated by the military campaign to overthrow Saddam and the widespread disorder and looting which followed. Many children are ill but the medical care they desperately need is simply not available.

That is why the T&A has joined with UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, in an appeal for our readers to come to their rescue. As you can see from the shopping list on Page 3, a modest donation goes a long way. We will keep you informed of the appeal's progress over the coming weeks.

Twice before we have asked you to back UNICEF crisis campaigns - for earthquake victims in Gurjerat in 2001 and for famine-hit children in southern Africa last year. As usual when we make such requests, you dug deep. Now we are asking you to do the same again for the suffering youngsters of Iraq.

Bradford people have a tremendous reputation for generosity. Now is our chance to live up to it yet again.