Many overseas stars will be arriving within the next 24 hours as clubs prepare for the start of play in the SDS Bradford League's centenary season on Saturday.

But some clubs have been left up in the air by the delay in issuing visas at the sole Pakistan office in Islamabad authorised to process applications.

With the other two visa offices in the country closed, causing the backlog, some clubs are resigned to starting the season without their main men.

It may be good news for Spen Victoria's Rao Anjum (already arrived), East Bierley's Kashif Raza, Baildon's Azhar Abbas, Undercliffe's Jaffer Nazir and Bowling Old Lane's Farhan Abassi (imminent arrivals), but other clubs are still very much in the dark as to when their overseas players will land.

Farsley are hoping that Asim Munir can book his flight out, while Manningham Mills are worried that Shahid Khan's delayed arrival could mean they are a strike bowler short to partner Nadeem Hanif for two or three weeks.

A similar situation exists at Brighouse with Aqeel Mukhtar and Woodlands with Safraz Ahmed, and Great Horton are waiting for Naveed Arif, although a work permit for him has been issued by the Home Office.

However, Salts have virtually given up on their man, but refuse to name him in case he is poached.