A product made by Saltaire-based hi-tech giant Pace Micro Technology is set to undergo trials in the USA.

Time Warner Cable will be the first cable operator to test the Pace DC-550 HD (high definition) digital cable set-top box.

Neil Gaydon, president of Pace Micro Technology Americas, said: "We're delighted Time Warner Cable is field-testing the Pace DC-550 HD.

"This is evidence that cable operators are responding to consumer demand. Once again, Pace is leading the industry with the most flexible, innovative, and cost-effective solution for cable operators.

"Now that cable operators are offering more competitive services than satellite, they also need hardware that is more robust.

"The Pace DC- 550 HD offers performance and connectivity that is simply better."

The set-top box has broken new ground in high definition technology, according to Pace.

The company says it offers high security levels for content copyright protection, will connect to most TV sets and is the world's smallest high definition set-top box.

Mr Gaydon added: "With the demand for high definition TVs on the rise, operators need to offer a set-top that takes high definition technology to the next level, so cable operators can offer consumers the best viewing experience possible and remain cost effective."