Shoppers and traders have been thanked for helping to raise £1,200 at a market celebration in Shipley.

The Monday market in the heart of the town reached its 20th anniversary after battling two proposed closures.

And to mark the occasion stallholders spent Monday fundraising in memory of trader Dawn Stewart who died from leukaemia five years ago aged 21.

The event, which raised cash for the Annette Fox Leukaemia Research Fund, featured a range of attractions including a fairground organ, Punch and Judy show, trampoline and a Bunny Hunt.

Organised by the market holders in partnership with Bradford Council, the Council's senior markets superintendent David Tempest said it was a great success.

Dawn's parents Doreen and Raymond Stewart have run a jewellery stall on the Monday market for 16 years and their only daughter followed them into the business.