FOR many people central Skipton has become a no-go area on a Saturday night. Disturbances, drunkenness, foul language and large gangs roaming the streets turn our pleasant town into something a little less enchanting. Piles of vomit and streams of urine down alleyways show that some revellers are way past their bedtime and should be tucked up with their teddies.

In the past magistrates have attempted to impose some order on the chaos by handing down banning orders from pubs to anyone who has committed an act of violence in a bar. All well and good but such orders are notoriously difficult to enforce, particularly for the poor licensees who find themselves in the combat zone of challenging and ejecting people with a record of violence.

Now licensees have joined forces, with police backing, to introduce an official scheme which links all pubs and circulates details, including photographs, of offenders and any ban. Such details will be passed on to the courts.

The scheme, entitled Skipton Against Night Time Disorder (Stand), could be extended to other parts of Craven and cover taxi drivers.

It is a responsible effort from the town's licensees, one which may make the town a lot safer place after dark. Everyone would welcome that.