A 12-YEAR-OLD girl suffered chest and leg injuries after falling 20 feet.

Chelsea Gray, who lives in Watery Lane, Airton, was playing with friends when the accident happened near the village's Riverside Walk on Wednesday morning.

Her pals ran to raise the alarm, and a rescue operation was launched, involving the police, paramedics, the crew of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and a fire officer.

Members of the Cave Rescue Organisation were also put on standby but were not called out.

"It seems she was playing near to a stream when she tumbled about 20 feet down the banking," said PC Andy Bradley.

"The rescue was quite difficult because of where she ended up. She seemed to be in a lot of pain."

Chelsea, who was conscious throughout the rescue, was eventually strapped to a board, and carried up the banking.

She was then airlifted to Steeton's Airedale General Hospital with a suspected broken leg and ribs.

Yesterday (Thursday), her condition was described as comfortable.