WHO needs lottery funding when you have got strong support from your local community?

Skipton and Craven Action for Disability thought its dreams for a new boat for the disabled were destined to fail when a £100,000 lottery application was recently refused.

But undeterred the trustees stuck to its plans to get a new boat on the water this summer and now Barclays Bank in Skipton has come up trumps.

Its help began when volunteers from the local branch gave the SCAD shop £500 and some help in the store.

Employees heard about the boat appeal and told SCAD about the bank's regional Community Investment Programme.

The application for £25,000 was successful on the proviso that the lottery cash was granted. When this fell through SCAD chairman Judith Carter went back to Barclays and pleaded its case.

Barclays found in the group's favour.

"It is marvellous, this money will make a huge difference," said Mrs Carter.

Janette Blythe, Community Manager for Yorkshire said: "At Barclays we are committed to communities and we are delighted to support SCAD.

"This is a great opportunity for us to help make a real and lasting difference to the local community."

Added to the £11,000 already raised locally and an expected £20,000 from the sale of the old boat it is hoped the rest of the money can be found to buy a new boat by June and have it on the water by July.

SCAD is awaiting the decision of a funding application to Skipton Building Society.

The appeal to replace the Marjorie Charlesworth boat was launched in June last year and SCAD gave themselves one year to come up with the money for a new one.

Over the years, the 13-year-old boat has taken thousands of disabled people on pleasure trips along the canal.

But it has reached the end of its useful life and would cost at least £30,000 to bring it up to modern standards.

The new, modern boat will be larger and able to carry more passengers and will have added benefits like an electric lift to get wheelchairs on to the boat.

It had been hoped that the old boat would last until the new one could be put in the water so there would be no break in the service.

Unfortunately when the lottery grant was refused, on the grounds that the need for a boat had not been proven, the trustees had to make the difficult decision to decommission the Marjorie Charlesworth at the beginning of this summer season and put it up for sale.

There have been no trips yet this year since but it is hoped now they can be resumed by July.

Anyone who would like to help can call the SCAD office on 01756 701005.