In 1891, Fred Jowett addressed a crowd of around 30,000 people in Peckover Street, Bradford.

In 1956, Prince Rainier of Monaco married actress Grace Kelly.

In 1995, Timothy McVeigh detonated a truck bomb which killed 168 people in Oklahoma City, USA


From the Telegraph & Argus of April 19th, 1978...

The Sue Ryder Home for cancer sufferers is to launch an appeal for a voluntary support group in Bradford to help raise money to run its Oxenhope centre. Mr Raymond Clapham, chairman of the appeals committee, said an estimated £10,000 to £12,000 would be required from voluntary support to run the Manorlands Centre at Oxenhope every year

From the Telegraph & Argus of April 19th, 1953...

The importance of the threefold promise made by members of the Mothers' Union - life-long marriage, the teaching of the Christian faith to children, and attendance at Church, with prayer and Bible reading - was emphasised to members of the union in the deanery of Bradford. The point was made by the Vicar of St. Luke's Church, Manningham, the Rev. R. Malcolm Robinson, when he conducted a service of thanksgiving to mark the golden jubilee of the church's branch of the Mothers' Union.