Yorkshire folk have been given more time to say if they want a referendum to decide whether the region should have its own parliament.

MPs, Lords and MEPs from across Yorkshire and Humber went to a House of Commons briefing about a possible referendum on the issue - only to hear the Government had decided to spend more time - until May 16 - gathering people's views on the issue.

People at the event, who included Labour MPs Terry Rooney (Bradford North), Gerry Sutcliffe (Bradford South) and Ann Cryer (Keighley), discussed a report on the region's response to the referendum question.

The report called Time For a Change? contained information collected by the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Assembly. It contained views from a telephone-based opinion poll, focus groups, two websites, information meetings and presentations.

Assembly chairman Peter Box said: "While the assembly already supports a referendum, this extension allows more opportunity for even more people to respond and have their say."