Scouts from across Keighley joined together on Sunday for the annual St George's Day Parade.

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts took part in the parade through Keighley town centre from Gresley Road to Cavendish Street and on to St Anne's Church in North Street.

Following a parade of the Group Colours and entry of the flag of St George, there was a reading of the Lord's Prayer, introduction by district chairman Brian Robertshaw and prayer led by a vice president of Keighley district, Syd Smith.

The Cubs of Keighley gave readings on how Scouting began, with Father Sean Gilligan leading prayer.

Readings of the Beaver Scout Motto, the Cub Law and the Scout Law were led by District Commissioner Jeanette Young.

The service was completed with the dedication of two new flags for the new Explorer and Scout Network sections and a blessing by Father Gilligan.

Congratulations were also passed on to leaders and Scouts who received awards this year.

The Chief Scout's Award was presented by the Chief Scout to James Credland, Tom Smith and Jonathon Binney of 14th Keighley, Joseph Daniel Gallucci and Savannah Astell-Burt of 23rd Keighley and Joseph Butterick, Luke Arrowsmith, William Ford, Jonathan Clarke, Christopher Chew, Matthew Binks, Robert Wall and Stuart Eeles of 1st Silsden.

Bernie Marshall was awarded the Medal of Merit, with John O'Connell and Ron Powell receiving 40 Years Service awards.

Jeanette Young and Barbara Clough received 25 Years service awards. Awards were also made to leaders and helpers with 15, 10 and five years service.